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Apache 2.2.0

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I'd blame the browser rendering the data it's recieving from the server. SQL queries are insanely fast since they are done locally by the server.

The browser doesn't render the php though, and thats whats determining the time. :P

deadly, SQL is run locally. He needs a better processor, not more bandwidth.

I didn't even notice, seems good.


--- Quote from: deadly7 on December 30, 2005, 07:01:46 pm ---Yes, it's because of the SQL Queries Ergot.  Nothing iago can do for that except get more bandwidth and a faster upload.

The small pages really go faster though, neat.

--- End quote ---

It has nothing to do with the speed of getting to the server, since the generation time is calculated by the php script. 

--- Quote from: Blaze on December 30, 2005, 08:33:58 pm ---The browser doesn't render the php though, and thats whats determining the time. :P

--- End quote ---
See above; the browser doesn't determine the time.


--- Quote from: iago on December 31, 2005, 03:27:45 am ---
--- Quote from: Blaze on December 30, 2005, 08:33:58 pm ---The browser doesn't render the php though, and thats whats determining the time. :P

--- End quote ---
See above; the browser doesn't determine the time.

--- End quote ---
Yeah I know, thats what I was saying.


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