And bands make so little off album sales that they have to start sueing for SHEET MUSIC and LYRICS? That's bullshit.
It's not the actual bands that are mad, it's the companies that sell sheet music. They get liscenses for it or some bullshit, which I guess makes it legal. What really pisses me off, is that most of the time sheet music is transcribed, it's almost as bad as the free tablature you could find across the internet. The thing that the MPA doesn't realize is that tablature is used for learning, why should you pay to learn something when somebody out there is willing to teach it to you for free? I honestly don't see what the big deal about this is, and it's frankly fucking rediculous.
I'm thinking about emailing Maddox about this, as it seems like a pretty damn good rant he could use, and he seems like the only person who could single-handedly put a dent in this whole thing the MPA is trying to do. Too bad he's horribly inactive.