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Updated Forum Software!

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That's caused by the way the skin is setup with the CSS: "margin: 1px 2px 1px 1px;" is part of the style parameter for all of those images, and the a:link CSS has "color: #000000".  That margin gives a border.  iago, this is up to you to fix.

I think this topic is mislabeled... It should be "Updated Forum Software"... it's not new :) ?

The "Last Post" icon is missing on "Mercury"


--- Quote from: Nate on January 02, 2006, 05:57:51 pm ---The "Last Post" icon is missing on "Mercury"

--- End quote ---

I don't think it's supposed to be an image. I noticed that, too. Hmm...

What rabbit said was pretty much true.  I'd have to manually edit the skin files themselves.. and unless you're willing to give me access to /forums/, or admincp access, that ain't happening without lots of hard work pointlessly spent on my part.


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