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Updated Forum Software!

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Had a problem logging in... clearing cookies fixed it, though.

Forum Wrongdoing!

The blue button next to threads with new posts doesn't work.. I've read through every post except the newest one in the thread, I click the "new" button and it doesn't work.. but then I go to it from the main forum index where it lists all the forums and newest topics and go from there and it works.


--- Quote from: deadly7 on January 02, 2006, 06:39:11 pm ---The blue button next to threads with new posts doesn't work.. I've read through every post except the newest one in the thread, I click the "new" button and it doesn't work.. but then I go to it from the main forum index where it lists all the forums and newest topics and go from there and it works.

--- End quote ---

Hmm. What theme? I know Mercury is horribly butchered in terms of prettiness/features after the upgrade.

I highly recommend switching off of it until one of the administrators fixes it/upgrades it/SMF 1.1 comes out and fixes it. I'm on the new theme and I love it.


I liked Mercury, but I almost like this new theme better. :)


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