Ugh... no, that's just stupid. Sure I spent a lot on it, but that's because 33/35 people need it.
Eh, more people need it in your guild, but it still drops every time. Supply and demand is supply and demand. There is a larger supply, but I guess it your guilds there's a larger demand as well... I still have no idea how it could be double DKP.
Although that was a pain in the ass to read, we only down onxyia four times a week, and when almost everybody wants it.. it gets to be a pain in the ass.
We now have two molten core groups, the first one clearing to rag, the second getting to garr with one wipe due to accidental pull of magmadar (They still would have won but the warriors aren't very good at dancing and the dwarf priest was the first dead).
Did you pay double DKP for that? I heard somewhere that SFC makes always drop items double the DKP, which is REALLY eww. It's supposed to be half. Join DoG! We clear through MC incredibly fast now, Onyxia is cake, we've got ZG down really easily, We've downed 4 of the bosses in AQ 20, and we've been in BWL for 2 weeks and we already have Vael down to 3%! And our leader isn't on crack!
My raid is better than yours; and I'm on a RP server! ^_^ (epeen. I'm just kidding ).
We do MC through Ragnaros in less than 3 hours now. ZG is cake (it is anyway), we've downed the first couple of bosses in RAQ and AQ 40 (we've only tried a few times) and we're through Neffy in BWL (We one shot all the bosses before him) and we recently 10 manned Onyxia.
We progress incredibly fast. Like we just started Vael saturday, and we downed him today. We would've downed the Broodlord on our second try today, but when we got him down to 30% with all of our people up, half of our people disconnected. We also took Onyxia down on our first shot, and cleared all the way through MC in a month or 2.