Ok, so for classes next year, I've hit a dilemma..
For my classes so far, I've picked:
Honors English 10 I
Honors English 10 II
Phy Ed 10
Health 10
Social StudiesAP U.S. History I, II, (part3 is "choice" class)
Total: 6 electives
My choice classes:
1. General Biology I
2. General Biology II
3. Honors Pre-Calculus I
4. Honors Pre-Calculus II
5. General Chemistry I
6. General Chemistry II
7. General Physics I
8. General Physics II
9. <blank>
10. AP U.S. History III
First off, I'd like to say: my school has dropped the Honor roll because they are fucking douchebags and make the AP requirements something retarded like "You must be a Senior to take this class." or something like that, and there is no Honors science or anything.. just regular, so I'm stuck in mainstream snoozefest.
Now, the dilemma is this:
Last year when I'd planned out my sophomore year with my cousin, I hadn't anticipated being able to take the AP test, which in my mind is a huge plus. Thus, for electives 9&10, I had picked "PC Troubleshooting and Repair" which is a bs class (for me) that deals with hardware, DOS, and Windows 95.. but I believe we take the A+ certification test at the end of it. On the other hand, taking AP U.S. History would get me out of a team-taught class (so basically we'd do half the class English and half the class Social Studies) which I just cannot stand.
So, what do I do? Do I take PC Troubleshooting & Repair instead of the AP class or do I take the AP and take a class where I can still be around computers and just pown everybody else in the class (ie: Fundamentals of Web Design or Computer Graphics or Computer Applications)?
Also, don't make any comments about the classes I'm taking.. just either help out or don't (that means YOU trust).