I spent most of today working on parsing PE files in Java, which allows me to pull the file's version hash. No more packetlogging it!! I've tested it with a variety of PE files, but no PE+ files. I guarentee it works (on my computer
with War3, Star, W2bn, and D2dv.
I may have gotten the endianness reversed on the output. If I did, just find where I combine v1 v2 v3 v4 and reverse them.
Expect me to post a better version tomorrow or soon, this code is horrible, it was mostly mashed together while I was trying to learn the PE structure, so a lot of it is redundant or wholly unnecessary
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class PE
/** The offset of the PE section in the file */
final static private int PE_START = 0x3c;
/** The code that identifies the version */
final static private int RT_VERSION = 16;
/** The string that identifies rsrc (".rsrc\0\0\0") */
final static private long rsrc = 0x000000637273722EL;
/** This is the entry point to the whole file version function set. It takes the filename as a parameter
* and returns the version. If the version can't be returned for whatever reason, an IOException is
* thrown.
* @param filename The filename to get the version of.
* @return The version of the file, as an integer.
* @throws IOException If the version can't be retrieved for some reason.
public static int getVersion(String filename) throws IOException
/* psStart is the pointer to the first byte in the PE data. The byte is pointed to at 0x3c */
int peStart;
/* The signature of the pe file, PE\0\0 */
int peSignature;
/* The number of sections (.data, .text, .rsrc, etc) */
short numberOfSections;
/* A pointer to the "optional" header (which will always be present in .exe files */
int ptrOptionalHeader;
/* The file we're reading from. TODO: Make this a random access file. */
MappedByteBuffer file = new FileInputStream(filename).getChannel().map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, new File(filename).length());
/* Set the file ordering to little endian */
/* The start of the PE is pointed at by the 0x3c'th byte */
peStart = file.getInt(PE_START);
/* The first 4 bytes are the signature */
peSignature = file.getInt(peStart + 0);
/* Verify that it's a valid pe file. IF not, throw an exception */
if(peSignature != 0x00004550)
throw new IOException("Invalid PE file!");
/* The number of sections is the short starting at the 6th byte */
numberOfSections = file.getShort(peStart + 6);
/* Get a pointer to the optional header */
ptrOptionalHeader = peStart + 24;
return processOptionalHeader(file, ptrOptionalHeader, numberOfSections);
/** This reads the optional header and returns the version, or throws an IOException if the version
* could not be found.
* @param file The file we're reading from.
* @param ptrOptionalHeader A pointer to the optional header.
* @param numberOfSections The number of sections that we will need to process.
* @return The version, always.
* @throws IOException If the version couldn't be found.
private static int processOptionalHeader(MappedByteBuffer file, int ptrOptionalHeader, int numberOfSections) throws IOException
/* Set to true if this is a PE+ file. Some addresses are slightly different. Untested! */
boolean plus;
/* The number of RVA entries. We don't care what the entries are, so we just skip right over them. */
int numberOfRvaAndSizes;
/* A pointer to the table of sections. This, along with the number of sections, is passed to the next
* function. */
int ptrSectionTable;
/* The version, which will eventually be returned. */
int version;
/* PE+ files have the first ("magic") byte set to 0x20b */
plus = file.getShort(ptrOptionalHeader) == 0x020b;
/* Get the RVA counts from the optional header */
numberOfRvaAndSizes = file.getInt(ptrOptionalHeader + (plus ? 108 : 92));
/* The optional header is 96 bytes, and each RVA is 8 bytes. Skip over them all. */
ptrSectionTable = ptrOptionalHeader + 96 + (numberOfRvaAndSizes * 8);
/* Get the version from the sections */
version = processSections(file, ptrSectionTable, numberOfSections);
/* If the version wasn't found, throw an exception */
if(version == 0)
throw new IOException("Couldn't find .rsrc section!");
return version;
/** Step through the table of sections, looking for .rsrc. When the .rsrc sections is found, call
* another function to process it.
* @param file The file we're reading from
* @param sectionsBase A pointer to the beginning of the sections.
* @param numberOfSections The number of sections.
* @return The version number, or 0 if it couldn't be found.
* @throws IOException If there is a problem finding the version.
private static int processSections(MappedByteBuffer file, int sectionsBase, int numberOfSections) throws IOException
/* The location where the loaded RVA will be */
int virtualStart;
/* The location in the file where the data starts */
int rawStart;
/* The difference between the virtual start and the raw start */
int rsrcVirtualToRaw;
/* A pointer to the beginning of the section */
int sectionBase;
/* Loop over the sections */
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfSections; i++)
/* Get the virtual address where the section starts */
virtualStart = file.getInt(sectionsBase + (i * 40) + 12);
/* Get the raw address where the section starts */
rawStart = file.getInt(sectionsBase + (i * 40) + 20);
/* Get the base of the section */
sectionBase = sectionsBase + (i * 40);
/* Find the difference between the actual location of rsrc and the virtual location of it */
rsrcVirtualToRaw = rawStart - virtualStart;
/* If we've found the rsrc section, process it. If not, we really don't care. */
if(file.getLong(sectionsBase + (i * 40)) == rsrc)
return processResourceRecord(new LinkedList<Integer>(), file, 0, file.getInt(sectionBase + 20), rsrcVirtualToRaw);
return 0;
/** This indirectly recursive function walks the resource tree by calling processEntry which, in turn,
* calls it. The function looks specifically for the version section. As soon as it finds a leaf node
* for a version section, it returns the data all the way back up the resursive stack. The recursion
* will never go deeper than 3 levels.
* @param tree The "tree" up to this point -- a maximum of 3 levels.
* @param file The file we're processing.
* @param recordOffset The offset of the record that we're going to process. It's added to the rsrcStart
* value to get a pointer.
* @param rsrcStart The very beginning of the rsrc section. Used as a base value.
* @param rsrcVirtualToRaw The value that has to be added to the virtual section to get the raw section.
* @return The version, or 0 if it couldn't be found.
* @throws IOException If there's an error finding the version.
private static int processResourceRecord(LinkedList <Integer> tree, MappedByteBuffer file, int recordOffset, int rsrcStart, int rsrcVirtualToRaw) throws IOException
int i;
/* The recordOffset is an offset from the start or rsrc, so calculate it as such */
int recordAddress = recordOffset + rsrcStart;
/* The number of name entries that we're going to have to skip over */
short numberNameEntries = file.getShort(recordAddress + 12);
/* The number of ID entires that we're going to have to search through */
short numberIDEntries = file.getShort(recordAddress + 14);
/* A pointer to the start of the ID entries, right after the name entries */
int ptrIDEntriesBase;
/* A pointer to the current entry we're looking at */
int entry;
/* Stores the version so we can check if we're finished */
int version;
/* The header is 16 bytes, and each name entry is 8 bytes. Skip them. */
ptrIDEntriesBase = recordAddress + 16 + (numberNameEntries * 8);
/* Loop through the id entries, which come right after the name entries */
for(i = 0; i < numberIDEntries; i++)
/* Each entry is 8 bytes, skip over the ones we've already seen */
entry = ptrIDEntriesBase + (i * 8);
/* Process the entry. processEntry() will call processResourceRecord() again for branches. */
version = processEntry(new LinkedList<Integer>(tree), file, entry, rsrcStart, rsrcVirtualToRaw);
/* If we've found the version, return it immediately. Otherwise, keep looping. */
if(version != 0)
return version;
return 0;
/** Process an entry recursively. If a leaf node is found, and it's the version node, return it.
* @param tree The list of nodes we've been to.
* @param file The file we're processing.
* @param entry A pointer to the start of the entry.
* @param rsrcStart A pointer to the beginning of the rsrc section.
* @param rsrcVirtualToRaw The conversion between the virtual and raw address.
* @return The version, or 0 if it wasn't found in this entry.
* @throws IOException If there's an error finding the version.
private static int processEntry(LinkedList<Integer> tree, MappedByteBuffer file, int entry, int rsrcStart, int rsrcVirtualToRaw) throws IOException
/* The address of the next node, or the address of the data. The left-most bit tells us which
* address this actually is. */
int nextAddress = file.getInt(entry + 4);
/* The version is stored in this so it can be returned. */
int version;
/* The size of the data */
int dataSize;
/* The buffer where we store the data (will be dataSize bytes) */
byte []buffer;
/* The address of the data within the file (converted from the RVA) */
int rawDataAddress;
/* Add the identifier to the tree */
tree.addLast(file.getInt(entry + 0));
/* Check if it's a branch by checking the left-most bit. If it's set, it's a branch. */
if((nextAddress & 0x80000000) != 0)
/* It's a branch, so move down to the next level. */
version = processResourceRecord(tree, file, nextAddress & 0x7FFFFFFF, rsrcStart, rsrcVirtualToRaw);
/* We found the version and don't care about anything else */
if(version != 0)
return version;
/* Its a leaf, check if it's RT_VERSION. If it is, we're done! */
if(tree.get(0) == RT_VERSION)
/* Convert the relative address to the actual address by using rsrcVirtualToRaw */
rawDataAddress = file.getInt(rsrcStart + nextAddress) + rsrcVirtualToRaw;
/* Get the data size */
dataSize = file.getInt(rsrcStart + nextAddress + 4);
/* Allocate memory in the buffer to store the incoming data */
buffer = new byte[dataSize];
/* Set the position in the file to the address of the data */
/* Get the data */
/* Combine the data and return it. */
return (buffer[0x3C] << 0) & 0x000000FF |
(buffer[0x3E] << 8) & 0x0000FF00 |
(buffer[0x38] << 16) & 0x00FF0000 |
(buffer[0x3A] << 24) & 0xFF000000;
return 0;
public static void main(String []args) throws IOException
System.out.println(String.format("%08x", getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/STAR/starcraft.exe")));
System.out.println(String.format("%08x", getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/W2BN/Warcraft II BNE.exe")));
System.out.println(String.format("%08x", getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/WAR3/war3.exe")));
System.out.println(String.format("%08x", getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/D2DV/Game.exe")));
System.out.println(0x0b030101 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/STAR/starcraft.exe"));
System.out.println(0x00020002 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/W2BN/Warcraft II BNE.exe"));
System.out.println(0xb1021401 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/WAR3/war3.exe"));
System.out.println(0x000b0001 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/D2DV/Game.exe"));
System.out.println(0x0101030b == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/STAR/starcraft.exe"));
System.out.println(0x02000200 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/W2BN/Warcraft II BNE.exe"));
System.out.println(0x011402b1 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/WAR3/war3.exe"));
System.out.println(0x01000b00 == getVersion("/home/ron/.hashes/D2DV/Game.exe"));
<edit1> Totaly re-modifications, comments and functions and everything
<edit2> Reversed the byte ordering