Well, I play D&D, Well, ADND 2.5, 3.x sucks
I used to have a groupe of about 130 people.
BUT I moved away and :*( tiz no longer.
Psionics are indeed great but I perfer portalists.
Imagine a 9'7" 95lbs pale blue guy with long jet black hair, pure black eyes.
Oh and he also has the ability to create portals into other demensions at whim.
I ended up killing an eintire army myself, stupied people didnt figure out not to shot arrows at me <3
Oh well, in the grupe of 130 people, we had a few.... rawdy people... who were jsut in it to see the things they can do, so they ended up having sex (in-game) with eachother, with a magic belt on, and ya, we had fun with that, the males got pregnant, freakin half-orge/goblin/elf coming out of a elf MALE.
Oh well, i'm bored beyond beleif.