And this is related how? So Microsoft has some competition, your point? 10% marketshare bigdeal, how does Firefox intend to take the 90% away from Microsoft? Let's be realistic, it will never happen. Firefox is a great browser, greater than IE no doubt but IE is bundled with Windows. Until something drastic happens to make everyone open their eyes, that's how it's going to stay. Mr. Linux Zealot.
Who said they could take away the 10% originally? You can't say it will
never happen. Never say never, ok?
It took a long, LONG fucking time to get to 10%. If IE continues to lose marketshare as its been dropping, IE7 better have some
revolutionary features to even start holding ground again.
Considering my school system uses Firefox over IE now... c'mon. A school system using Firefox? That's pretty big, especially since my system admin is an IDIOT (a thousand or so failed logins on the account "read_your_fucking_logs" from Canada... and no mention of anything... ) and the kids at my school all talk about Firefox and use it.