I just realized that I have 5 level 80s on my account now. That's a lot of wasted time.
Granted, 3 of them came after heirloom items, and 1 was a result of RAF, so only 1 was truly 1-80 the "hard" way. I got my druid to level 80 in 2 weeks. The first week was easy, it was 1-58 using the LFG tool (amazing for leveling, btw) and the first parts of Outlands. The second week was finishing up Outlands and mostly Northrend.
The LFG tool is awesome on a tanking character. Starting at level 15 I was getting instant queues for dungeons. A dungeon was usually good for a half a level. So, if I ever got bored or tired of a certain zone's quests I would just queue up a few times and level past that zone. Easy mode for leveling now!