I really hope you're not healing the Main Tank, because that's just stupid.
I really hope you actually read my post, instead of hastily formulating a silly retort preemptively:
[...] Its obvious drawback is that it doesn't heal for much, but its advantages far outweigh this simple disadvantage in most situations. [...]
Main Tank healing is
clearly an exception, assuming that you're one of few healers doing it. If there are 3-5 healers on them at all times, though, Heal is perfectly sufficient -- even for boss fights. I've done it. It works great. The best Priests I know use it as well. Read my fucking post.
Main Tank healing is one of several possible roles as a healer. I generally assign myself to mass cross-healing, which is also vital to a raid's viability.
If you're using dps spells as a healer, once again, that's stupid. You're obviously not doing new content and basing everything on your MC raids, try doing that in a guild that actually wants to get through AQ/Naxx, yeah, bye bye guild.
Yes, Screenor. I do it in vitally important, new, uncovered content. I like to poke all the bugs I can in the Twin Emps fight.
Since you're clearly incapable of discovering intuitive subtleties, I'll make this one more explicit for you:
</sarcasm>. I use DPS spells when I'm bored and there's nothing else to do.
And the way you heal REALLY is not impressive. All you showed me was that you can overheal, heal slower, save 80 mana, and dps as a healer.
The way you
read is really depressing. You're clearly incapable of devoting your attention to a few paragraphs. I explained it perfectly well, but you obviously didn't understand a thing I said.
I have a few questions and counter-points regarding your silly, wrong accusations:
-- How does
anything I posted above construe inevitable overhealing?
-- Using slower healing spells have
significant advantages.
Spell damage/healing bonus is more benefical with slow spells. The simplified version of spell/healing bonus for a specific spell is: (BaseBuffBonus * (CastTime / 3.5)). The slower the spell, the more beneficial +Healing gear becomes. For this reason, Flash Heal is much less efficient to use in this aspect.
-- 80 mana may sound insignificant alone, but when you put it into the scope of the issue at hand, it becomes much more considerable. Flash Heal (Rank 7) is 380 mana. Heal (Rank 3) is 305
by default. After
Improved Healing, which nearly any raid-healing Prieset has, it becomes 216 mana. Even at 305 mana, it is
20% less than Flash Heal R7. At 217 mana, it is
47% less. When casting this 50 times, 80 mana becomes
4000 mana. Likewise, 163 mana becomes
8150 mana. In order to understand what I'm attempting to explain to you, I think you're going to have to turn your brain on.
-- I don't make serious attempts to DPS as a healer. It's more of a leisurely attempt to entertain myself than anything intentionally productive.
I can use rank 3-4 FH's, heal faster, save more mana, heal perfectly fine, and not have to worry about a damned thing the whole fight.
Again: you must have missed the
entire point of what I posted above. Healing faster isn't necessarily better. Please, recurse over what I've scribed into the ledgendary logs of this post before you continue. Comprehend what I post and maybe you'll see that what I'm trying to say completely nullifies nearly every point you've attempted to make in this argument.
I have more counter-points, some of which are reiterations:
-- Healing faster isn't always better. If a person is going to die unless you heal them in a timeframe that is only presented by Flash Heal, then it's obviously the best spell to use. If this isn't the case, however, (which is far and away the most common case) using slower healing spells is
more efficient.
-- You don't save more mana. I've already explained to you that Heal is more efficient. Flash Heal (Rank 4) produces an average heal of 710 with 600 +Healing while costing 215 mana. With the same amount, Heal (Rank 3) yields a median recovery of 1,138 hit points, while costing a nearly identical 216 mana. Over the course of 50 casts, 1 mana obviously becomes 50 mana lost to using Heal in place of Flash Heal. However, 420 points of healing becomes
21,000 points of healing over the course of 50 casts. Heal (Rank 3) is enormously more efficient than
any rank of Flash Heal, including Rank 1.
Really? So name to me the fights in AQ you consistantly move. Twin Emps, what else? BWL? MC?
Fights where I consist
ently move? What do you mean, move? Change the location of my character on the map? Chromaggus, Flamegor, Firemaw, Nefarian, Ragnaros... approximately 50% of the boss fights in the instances I've ran require intentional movement of my character.
Unfortunately for you, though, moving around isn't difficult. It's a sequence of reactions that can almost always be purely driven by intuition, whereas healing requires constant, rough efficiency analysations if you wish to excel in your role. Efficiency analysis can't be driven by intuition... it is driven by attentive, logical and swift