Facebook killed the radio star. And by radio star, I mean the premise of distributed forums around the internet. And that got got by Instagram/SnapChat. And that got got by TikTok. Where the fuck is the internet we once knew?
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mutsumibear: David's coming over Sunday so we can have mad sex all day.zxdropoff: lucky youmutsumibear: I know.mutsumibear: I just pray I don't start my period before then.zxdropoff: omfgzxdropoff: stfuzxdropoff: now pleasemutsumibear: HAHAmutsumibear: I love disturbing you.
Microsoft has constantly followed in Apple's shadow in terms of usability and such. I don't think Windows has ever had a UI feature that Apple didn't already have. Microsoft just did a better job of other stuff, including marketing. I wouldn't call anything stolen, though.
Taking without consent is stealing. I dount that Billy Gate$ asked Steve jobs if he could have his UI features.
I have a programming folder, and I have nothing of value there
Our species really annoys me.