Author Topic: My latest additiction: Star Wars: Galaxies [Now with lots of screenies!]  (Read 6036 times)

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I first bought SW:G when it first came out in 2003.  I hadn't actually seen the gameplay, but a friend of mine, who I trust about games, really talked it up.  Galaxies is set in the time between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back.

I was devastatingly disappointed.

The game was extraordinarily complex, the combat system was difficult to grasp, and money was difficult to come by.  I was not exactly certain how to get rid of junk.  There were very few things to buy as the economy was designed to be player-driven.  And there was no flying.  I quit after about a week.

The game underwent several changes, including the Jump-to-Lightspeed flight battle expansion pack, the "Publish 9" Combat Upgrade patch, and another expansion pack, Rage of the Wookies, which added Kashyyk as planet to travel.

I tried it again.

Although combat had improved, it still felt turn-based and acting seemed fairly slow.  The game's class system was still extremely complex: there were 36 classes, including Entertainer, Armorsmith, Pistoleer, Bounty Hunter, Jedi, and Politician.  To level in your selected profession required specific types of experience; for example, if you wanted to be a Master Pistoleer, you'd start out as a Marksman -- a general ranged attacker.  As you fought with certain strategies, you'd gain particular experience: at level 1, if you fought a creature with your pistol, you'd get X General Combat Experience and Y Pistol Combat Experience.  For non-elite professions (like Marksman, Artisan (which was the entry class for all crafters), etc.), specialized XP (like pistol combat exp) counted at some ratio to standard experience.  Once you got to your elite profession, though, no amount of General Combat XP would level you up.

I got all the way to level 8 (out of 80) before I retired again.  Oh, and Jedi were difficult to get -- they took about about 6-8 weeks, at best, of grinding.

Another friend started telling me recently about this new, extremely controversial publish to Galaxies.  He said that some people were saying it made the game like WoW, and a LOT of veterans were upset with the changes.  SO.... I sucked it up and went to try again.

It's sooooo much more fun.

They reduced the game's 36 professions to what they call 9 "Iconic" professions (let's see if I can remember them all): Bounty Hunter, Officer, Spy, Trader (with 4 specializations), Smuggler, Commando, Entertainer, Jedi, and Medic.  Entertainers and Traders are non-combat classes; entertainers provide buffs, and traders are crafting and merchant players.  Combat classes gain experience and combat level by fighting and completing quests; non-combat classes gain experience by providing their wares.  For traders this means that you craft quite a bit; for entertainers, that means you're dancing or playing music in cantinas and bars across the galaxy.  In addition to the iconic professions, you can also choose to become a Pilot.  This was called NGE, or "New Game Enhancements."

I started out a new character as a Jedi.  The story of my character is that he's a dark Jedi, but he's choosing to side with the Rebellion because he thinks they'll be just as blind to the Sith as the Old Republic.

You gain new abilities (or upgraded abilities) just about every four levels.  Progression is usually pretty fast, and is very much oriented to being able to follow solo play or group play.  Along with NGE, they created a new intro storyline where you wake up being rescued from the Empire by Han Solo (I think they had Harrison Ford voice-act the new storyline).  He takes you to Tansarii Point Station, where you get various quests from people.  When you're ready to leave, he takes you to Tatooine and puts you in touch with a friend.

This begins the long chain of quests called the "Legacy Quests."  So far, the Legacy Quests had me run all over Tatooine, including to a large Krayt Dragon fossil, the escape pod used by R2-D2 and C-3PO, and the pit of the giant Sarlacc (you get a disease debuff from being too close to it for any length of time from the toxic air fumes).  Along the way you're directed through your first "theme park" -- a series of quests designed to complete an objective -- to become one of Jabba the Hutt's most trusted workers.  In my first 28 levels, I worked on Jabba's themepark, and then went to Naboo and worked my way up to Lieutenant in the Royal Security Forces to complete the next stage of my mission.  I still haven't finished the legacy chain.

Oh!  They now also have junk vendors, so when you pick up some items, you can sell them off.  Handy!

But the coolest thing about Galaxies: it is truly massive.

I had a character already on the server (he made it to level 8, remember?) that I chose to roll my Jedi on.  Following NGE, they prompted everyone to choose their new iconic profession.  I chose to become a Structure Trader.  Along with structure crafting, you also make furniture and ships.

What does this do?

In Galaxies, the planets you can explore are massive; there are cities, but the entirety of planets are not populated.  You can buy a house and plant it on a planet.  Or, if you're in a guild, you can plant a house in your guild's city.  Besides my awesome underground bunker (a reward for purchasing the latest expansion pack, The Trials of Obi-Wan, which opens Mustafar as a playable planet), my trader just opened a new building in our city for our Guild's Mall.

You can decorate your house with furnishings and store extra items there.

The absolutely COOLEST thing is that there are multiplayer ships.  A reward you get for having owned Jump to Lightspeed for 60 days or more, you get your own multiplayer noncombat ship, a Sorosuub Luxury Yacht, like Lando Calrissian's Lady Luck.  I've decked this ship out as well, and hope that my guild will use it for a Guild Event one day.

But non-combat ships aren't the only thing you do.  You can also walk around multiplayer combat ships, like the YT-1300 ship (like the Millenium Falcon) that you can also decorate.  When you go into battle, you have a pilot and gunners, and anyone else who is around can assist in repairing equipment.

The other cool thing I've found is roleplay.  The first night I was wandering around Tatooine, I met up with three members of the Ghosts of Ashla.  They invited me into the guild, and I've slowly learned the art.  Last night, I was with one of the Guild Councilors to go recruit a new player.  He said he just woke up four days ago, and only regained his sight a day ago.  He said he was on his way to relieve commanders.... from the Clone War.  We had to explain to him that he'd been in stasis for about 22 years.

All told, the game is worth your time.  The Starter Kit (which includes Jump to Lightspeed) is $20, and the "Total Experience" package which includes Rage of the Wookies is $30.  Sure, the game is a bit old, the graphics aren't top-notch, and there are some funny pathing things (for instance, you can't walk up the non-stair entry to a building, but you can run up a mountain), but these are easy to overlook once you get involved.

I'm on the Eclipse server.

Ysae -- a combat level 32 Zabrak Jedi Initiate.  (Zabrak is the same race as Darth Maul).
Kerrad Tol - a Zabrak Master Shipwright, Architect, and Furniture Crafter (level 90 Structure Trader, non-combat).

/w doesn't work -- /tell Kerrad!  :)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2006, 11:27:57 pm by MyndFyre[x86] »
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Re: My latest additiction: Star Wars: Galaxies
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2006, 09:16:51 pm »
Sounds good, maybe I'll look into getting it.
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[23:04:35] <deadly7[x86]> YOU ARE AN EMO
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Re: My latest additiction: Star Wars: Galaxies
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2006, 09:19:55 pm »
I played at my friends house before. Its very well depth if you ask me. Like in WoW you can buy "mounts" But in this game they are ships that you travel to differnt planets on and you can shuttle you and all your friends in your one ship. Its pretty cool if you ask me. THe only gay thing is you cant kill vader. Like in wow you can kill anything if you get enough players. In this vader owns you with his force. But I will stick to wow. 5 million players and counting.

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zxdropoff: lucky you
mutsumibear: :D I know.
mutsumibear: I just pray I don't start my period before then.
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zxdropoff: stfu
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Re: My latest additiction: Star Wars: Galaxies [Now with lots of screenies!]
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2006, 11:43:56 pm »
This was not taken today but it's good.  It's me in a gun turret of a YT-1300 blowing up an enemy ship.

This is my bedroom.  You see a lot of guns and a few melee weapons on the wall.  Everything you see other than floor, walls, and ceilings has been put there by me.

This is the same room facing the other direction.  On the table (the Color Crystal) is a lightsaber crystal that I keep around for decoration.  It sits on top of a candle so it gloes blue-yellow.

This is the next room through the doors in front of the last screenie. 

On the opposite side of the same floor is the bar/kitchen area.  As you can see I have a bartender vendor.  That's a "Wanted: Luke Skywalker" poster on the wall.

This is the other end of the bar.

I'm heading to the elevator.  Droid detection devices!

Yes, the RP in the guild has gotten to a point where people are pairing off and getting married.  I actually haven't married this character (she's my ingame g/f), but her dad, being a very proud Bothan, is going to be sending a Bounty Hunter after me, so we will be ending our relationship soon (though Ysae doesn't know that).

This is me on a speeder, with an overhead view of my guild city.

The guild cantina.  Nobody's working tonight.  It was busy on New Years Eve!

This is the new guild mall that Kerrad (my alt) just built.  Oh, and my mount - it's a Mustafarian Lava Flea.  It's the only mount that works on Mustafar (because of the temperatures).

This very-lamely-decorated inside of the new mall.  I just wanted to show you the cool holo of the YT-1300 on the right.

Pathing?  Bah.  Straight up a mountain!

Except for the top of this map, where the blue arrow-like thing is, every one of those cities is a player city.

Me with an orange saber.

I change out the crystal because I forgot I was RPing and acting light before I took the screenie.  Ahhh, yes!

More mayhem!

Die! Die! Die!

Another picture?  Damnit.

I'm level 32.  He's level 57.  Ouchie!

Ahead of me you see a waypoint.  These are made custom on the map or from quests.

My ships!

This is my Y-Wing Longprobe, my current combat ship, and its components.  Two guns and missiles!  Instadeath.

This is in my yacht.  Note that you can fly from an interior view...

...or an exterior.  I'm flying back to the space station so I can land again.

This is where I'm going to hang out to show you the rest of the ship.

Like I said before, multiplayer ships aren't always used for combat.  They can be used for social gatherings too.

I'm taking you down below-deck to my quarters.  This is a holonet terminal with a Jedi Starfighter Hologram.

This is inside my room.  I like the X-wing and R2 on my bookcase.  That took a while.  Decorated by me.

This is facing the front of the ship in the main deck.  I'm going to be upgrading the furniture in my ship soon, but I still think it looks good.

Facing the other direction on the main deck.  There's a bar here too!  Sadly, Ysae is not a crafter and can't put a vendor here.  :-/

I would just like to say that not many people install organic eyes as security cameras in elevators.  But any in-game object can be dropped.

This is what I call the Observation Deck.  I can imagine our guild leader coming up here and making a big speech to our guild down on the main deck.

I need more decor up here, but this is the back of the main deck.

This is the top deck of the ship.  It's not very long, but I like to come up here because it's out of the way.

Nothing says "Starship" quite like a fireplace.

One last shot of the upper deck...

Let's go back to land!

I hope you enjoyed my anthology of SW:G pics!
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Re: My latest additiction: Star Wars: Galaxies [Now with lots of screenies!]
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2006, 10:05:04 pm »
OMFG Someone join already!  It's 20 freaking dollars!
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Re: My latest additiction: Star Wars: Galaxies [Now with lots of screenies!]
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2006, 10:35:24 pm »
C2Talon says the new patch killed it.
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Re: My latest additiction: Star Wars: Galaxies [Now with lots of screenies!]
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2006, 01:08:57 am »
I'll buy it probably this week. Seems pretty cool. I'd be an starwars e-pimp, the pinnacle of my awesomeness.
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Re: My latest additiction: Star Wars: Galaxies [Now with lots of screenies!]
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2006, 03:10:13 pm »
The images killed my firefox. :P
And like a fool I believed myself, and thought I was somebody else...

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Re: My latest additiction: Star Wars: Galaxies [Now with lots of screenies!]
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2006, 10:15:02 pm »
I'll buy it probably this week. Seems pretty cool. I'd be an starwars e-pimp, the pinnacle of my awesomeness.
WTFox man I thought you said you were going to get it!!!
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I really loved SWG before the first CU.  It was still somewhat enjoyable even after the CU.  But then the NGE came and completely killed it for me.
errr... something like that...

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I doubt I'll buy it..
My friend says that all StarWars games are g*y.

Offline Sidoh

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I doubt I'll buy it..
My friend says that all StarWars games are g*y.

My friend says all homosexuals are gay.

Additionally, that's a stupid generalization.  Jedi Academy was amazing.  KoTR was awesome too.

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I doubt I'll buy it..
My friend says that all StarWars games are g*y.

My friend says all homosexuals are gay.
ROFL, what friend is this?  :P

Additionally, that's a stupid generalization.  Jedi Academy was amazing.  KoTR was awesome too.
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Someone's working on a pre-CU SWG emulator :D
errr... something like that...