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Next Year's Classes

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Oh, that's what I suspected.


--- Quote from: RoMi on April 04, 2006, 06:32:49 pm ---Math:
Philosophy:Pre-Cal, H (full year) and Number Theory (half year, intro type of thing, sounded like fun)
Nuclear Physics, H (half year) and Astronomy, H (half year)
Topics in US History (full year, focus on a very specific topic in US history for a few weeks and go in-depth about it)
Comp Sci, AP (full year)
English IV, H (full year)
Philosophy VI (full year)
--- End quote ---

Im pretty sure Nuclear Physics requires a little more math then Pre-Calc...You know like Advanced Calculus IV and Differential Equations.

It's a pretty basic course.  The pre-rec's are pre-cal concurrently taken, and completion of Physics H, with a 90 or above.  From what I understand it's more of a discussion based class, anyways.  It's taught by a Nuclear Physicist who graduated MIT, and worked at Massachusetts' own nuclear power plant.

Well, I thought I'd seen a picture of you before that didn't look like that.


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