Author Topic: gkick is serious!  (Read 7224 times)

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Offline Screenor

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Re: gkick is serious!
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2006, 02:03:32 pm »
And I think that you, myself, and everyone else can easily say that this will only happen on an RP server, I never said everyone on RP server's is like this, however you damn well know RPer's are the only ones who can ever have the capabillity to get pissed of over something like that.

Right.  And out of the five million people that play WoW, every single person who decides to even occasionally roleplay plays on exclusively on a RP server.  If you actually believe that, you're an idiot.
  Hell, who are you to say they play on a RP realm at all?  My boss owns a damn RPG company and he doesn't have a single character on a RP realm.  FFS, I have friends on Feathermoon that are avid RPer's that have level 60 characters on PvP/PvE realms.

Which is the whole point I'm trying to get across, all we who play on pvp/pve servers have never dealt with something like that, so when YOU yourself are posting shit like this, it really is hypocritical to go and defend us when you're the one posting the material we're laughing at.

But you have people with equal idiotic value, you fucking moron.

FEEEFTY DKP MINUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Perhaps you've seen that video?

Screenor, go away.  Your stupidity isn't welcome here.
Now you're just putting words in my mouth. It's pathetic how you can be so blind-sighted by something so simple, I never said pvp servers don't have idiots, and I never said RP server's are full of idiots, stop being one and actually read what I'm saying. You actually read what I've said in those posts without having your stupid grudge against me and you'll understand.

Offline Sidoh

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Re: gkick is serious!
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2006, 03:47:35 pm »
Now you're just putting words in my mouth.

You've been notorious for including facetious comments in your posts.  I can judge them how I wish.

It's pathetic how you can be so blind-sighted by something so simple, I never said pvp servers don't have idiots, and I never said RP server's are full of idiots

No, but you've certainly implied that RP servers of lesser calibur when compared to PvP servers.  I can defend them for as long as I like.  None of your stupid reasoning is going to stop this.

stop being one and actually read what I'm saying. You actually read what I've said in those posts without having our stupid grudge against me and you'll understand.

I am reading what you're saying.  You told me to stop defending RP servers.  I don't give a shit out informal or non-serious the insult is.  If I want to defend an RP server when a derogatory comment is directed towards their existance, I will choose whether or not I want to defend them.  I don't give a flying fuck what you think.