Hokay, for the last two weeks I've been limited to my sister's computer, which means no gaming, no anything. Just chatting.
I am now on my new computer.
1 gig ram
some shitty vid card
2 ghz
2 gigs of ram
nVidia 6800 ( Would've got the 7800 but Sidoh told me 6800 was just as good. Saved me 100 bucks, what a pal. )
3 ghz processor
Very sexy case
850 bucks
Sold old comp to N00bie for 100 bucks and a monster.
Needed the monster because I was about to go to this challenge where we had to watch a HORRIBLE FUCKING HIOEuiUIGFdi;sdg movie .. One of those cheesy ones from Sci-fi for as long as we could. No sleeping.
Chupacabra Terror was the name, so naturally we called it Chupacabra Challenge. Was around the school within a week. 20 people started, three left after the first play of it because it was so bad..
Fifteen hours later it's down to me and John.
Five hours later I fall asleep. >_<!
So he got ~ 350 bucks, I got 50$ which is better than what I paid to submit to it ( 20 ). If I had only stayed awake another 4 hours ( which woulda made it 24 which was previously decided to be the end ) then we would split it and gotten around 200 each.
But my new computer is still here so I'm happy.
http://ebaumsworld.com/2006/04/n64.htmlThat's pretty much me with this box.
I'll get pics as soon as I get a camera. WHICH REMINDS ME. My dad is being a bitch back in boonieville so I have no camera, and James' hair is already too long for it to be cool. D: So I guess seeing James go from Metal to Gay in just a few snips of the scissors is my memory to treasure.
Sorry for being inactive for the last month or so D: