Author Topic: School sued over same-sex fairy tale  (Read 21854 times)

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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2006, 12:33:07 pm »
Studies show that genetics plays a part:
  • The more older brothers you have, the more likely you are to be gay
  • If you're left handed, the above does not apply
Homosexuality is not a choice, it's the way some people are.  And if you believe it IS a choice, then you can't possibly believe in survival of the fittest, otherwise all gays would have been wiped out due to them being "inferior".


While we're on the topic of gayness, let's address gay marriage.  Why should it be allowed?  For the 2017 laws that apply only to married couples, of course.  These are only some of them.


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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2006, 12:54:39 pm »
This entire country was founded on the basis that everyone is equal and allowed.  If you can't accept that, get the fuck out of my country.

If everyone is equal and allowed, why should I leave?


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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2006, 12:56:03 pm »
No, it's different. Children are taught that slavery is BAD, and thus they're against it.

However, now they're being taught that homosexuality is acceptable and they'll be for it and probably experiment with it. And that's wrong.

Read a recent article from Time magazine (2 months old or so) - it said that a large percentage of teens are become "bicurious" because it's "cool" - this will just further that and it's wrong.

My sister is in 2nd grade and her homework consists of how Jesus is different than other kings (ie. not concerned over land) and she's required to memorize bible versus that discuss living a good life and not stealing and etc. She is not recieving assignments or stories or anything else that involves two gay fairies. I will be placing my children in private school.
Umm.. No.. If a child is raised thinking homosexuals are acceptable they are not more likely to be gay, just more tolerant; a child raised by gay parents  has the same chance of being homosexual than anyone else,.

Being bicurious isn't the same as being gay. If you disagree with me, that's fine, just in the future disagree with points that I actually make.

Offline GameSnake

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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #33 on: April 30, 2006, 01:34:59 pm »
No, it's different. Children are taught that slavery is BAD, and thus they're against it.

However, now they're being taught that homosexuality is acceptable and they'll be for it and probably experiment with it. And that's wrong.

Read a recent article from Time magazine (2 months old or so) - it said that a large percentage of teens are become "bicurious" because it's "cool" - this will just further that and it's wrong.

My sister is in 2nd grade and her homework consists of how Jesus is different than other kings (ie. not concerned over land) and she's required to memorize bible versus that discuss living a good life and not stealing and etc. She is not recieving assignments or stories or anything else that involves two gay fairies. I will be placing my children in private school.
Umm.. No.. If a child is raised thinking homosexuals are acceptable they are not more likely to be gay, just more tolerant; a child raised by gay parents  has the same chance of being homosexual than anyone else,.

Being bicurious isn't the same as being gay. If you disagree with me, that's fine, just in the future disagree with points that I actually make.
I was only commenting on: "However, now they're being taught that homosexuality is acceptable and they'll be for it and probably experiment with it. And that's wrong." I disagree.

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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #34 on: April 30, 2006, 01:59:51 pm »
This entire country was founded on the basis that everyone is equal and allowed.  If you can't accept that, get the fuck out of my country.

If everyone is equal and allowed, why should I leave?

Because you refuse to accept our laws.

Offline CrAz3D

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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #35 on: April 30, 2006, 02:31:55 pm »
re:Homosexuality as NOT a choice.
-Well then, it is obviously a mental disease & should be treated.  Homosexuality is maladaptive, it benefits society in no way.  Schizophrenia isn't a choice but is regarded as a disease, homosexuality ought to be classified as something similar if it is infact not a choice.  If we don't stop this "disease" it could spread & then human civilization might end because of it. (::))

re:Homosexuality IS a choice
-We shouldn't legislate morality, but we shouldn't be teaching kids something that is wrong.  Homosexuaity is a bad choice in life because it is does nothing to benefit society.  As I said before, it is illogical to be homosexual, it can't be right.

Choice or not, it doesn't make sense, it isn't logical, it does not benefit society, it is wrong.


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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #36 on: April 30, 2006, 02:35:41 pm »
This entire country was founded on the basis that everyone is equal and allowed.  If you can't accept that, get the fuck out of my country.

If everyone is equal and allowed, why should I leave?

Because you refuse to accept our laws.

There are no laws saying that my seven year old has to be read a book that is in support of homosexuality. There are no laws saying that I must teach my children that homosexuality is acceptable. There are no laws that say I must agree with homosexuality, and last but not least there are no laws saying that I myself must be homosexual. I do not see where you are going with this...

Furthermore, wouldn't your term - everyone - include even those who don't accept the laws?

I'm assuming you don't accept laws in some states banning gay marriage, maybe you should leave?

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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #37 on: April 30, 2006, 02:52:49 pm »
Being gay isn't just about sex, it's a way of life that many people are forced to accept.
I still haven't seen evidence supporting this viewpoint.

If parents are going to sue schools for reading gay fairytales, they need to sue stores for selling violent games and movies, and the companies that produce them, when their kids play/see those things, because they have absolutely no control over them.  This entire thing is stupid.  OMFG A FAIRYTALE, get over it.

To quote a brilliant cartoon man, Peter Griffin:
If gays wanna get married and be miserable like the rest of us, I say let 'em.

What kind of philosophy is "I don't like something a teacher did, so I'm going to sue the school."  Do parents sue for failing grades?  No.  Fuck that.
Fact: homosexuality is a very controversial topic in America right now.
Fact: everybody in America who is over the age of 13 knows it.
Fact: it is not a teacher's job to be an activist in the classroom.

Studies show that genetics plays a part:
  • The more older brothers you have, the more likely you are to be gay
  • If you're left handed, the above does not apply
Homosexuality is not a choice, it's the way some people are.  And if you believe it IS a choice, then you can't possibly believe in survival of the fittest, otherwise all gays would have been wiped out due to them being "inferior".


While we're on the topic of gayness, let's address gay marriage.  Why should it be allowed?  For the 2017 laws that apply only to married couples, of course.  These are only some of them.
A couple things.  1.) You'll forgive me if I don't count a Geocities website as authoritative.  2.) Genetics has no relevance on how many older brothers you have.  Seems more of a "nature vs. nurture" thing -- seems that the "nurture" part plays more of a part.

Also, since you suggest that there is evolutionary relevance, I'll ask you -- how would the homosexuality gene be passed on in a population that inherently cannot reproduce?  It's not like gay people think "I need to pass my gayness onto another generation, so I'll go hump a chick for a quickie, as much as I'll hate it."  Even if evolution is true, you have to admit that the human race has short-circuited it, because we do not apply selective pressures the way nature would.
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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2006, 04:02:56 pm »
Being gay isn't just about sex, it's a way of life that many people are forced to accept.
I still haven't seen evidence supporting this viewpoint.

If parents are going to sue schools for reading gay fairytales, they need to sue stores for selling violent games and movies, and the companies that produce them, when their kids play/see those things, because they have absolutely no control over them.  This entire thing is stupid.  OMFG A FAIRYTALE, get over it.

To quote a brilliant cartoon man, Peter Griffin:
If gays wanna get married and be miserable like the rest of us, I say let 'em.

What kind of philosophy is "I don't like something a teacher did, so I'm going to sue the school."  Do parents sue for failing grades?  No.  Fuck that.
Fact: homosexuality is a very controversial topic in America right now.
Fact: everybody in America who is over the age of 13 knows it.
Fact: it is not a teacher's job to be an activist in the classroom.

Studies show that genetics plays a part:
  • The more older brothers you have, the more likely you are to be gay
  • If you're left handed, the above does not apply
Homosexuality is not a choice, it's the way some people are.  And if you believe it IS a choice, then you can't possibly believe in survival of the fittest, otherwise all gays would have been wiped out due to them being "inferior".


While we're on the topic of gayness, let's address gay marriage.  Why should it be allowed?  For the 2017 laws that apply only to married couples, of course.  These are only some of them.
A couple things.  1.) You'll forgive me if I don't count a Geocities website as authoritative.  2.) Genetics has no relevance on how many older brothers you have.  Seems more of a "nature vs. nurture" thing -- seems that the "nurture" part plays more of a part.

Also, since you suggest that there is evolutionary relevance, I'll ask you -- how would the homosexuality gene be passed on in a population that inherently cannot reproduce?  It's not like gay people think "I need to pass my gayness onto another generation, so I'll go hump a chick for a quickie, as much as I'll hate it."  Even if evolution is true, you have to admit that the human race has short-circuited it, because we do not apply selective pressures the way nature would.

Have you ever talked to a gay person?  They don't choose to be gay.  Maybe it's how they were brought up when they were very young, or maybe it's genetic.  Either way, it's not up to the person. 

If it does involve nurture, it has to be something that happens very young.  You don't here a story about a gay person when you're 7 years old and all of a sudden you're hot for guys.  However, if he was already gay (either by nature or nurture), then they will grow up understanding what's "wrong" with him, or why he is different.  Do you think it's easy for a gay person to realize what's going on?  I suspect it isn't, especially in a world like the one we're in. 

There was a time when reading books about philosophy was wrong.  There was a time when teaching children that women are equal was wrong.  There was a time when teaching children that black people are equal was wrong.  Currently, it seems that teaching children about gay people is wrong.  I think that the gay issue is something that has to be dealt with, and the best way to deal with it is to explain it to children.  We've all been brought up thinking that being gay is dirty/wrong/evil/something, and that's not fair to gay people.  Whether it's nature or nurture, they are still gay, and they don't have a choice in the matter.  It's no different than singling outs blacks or women. 

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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #39 on: April 30, 2006, 04:16:43 pm »
If homosexuality is not a choice nor is it genetic and is all based on nurture, then we ought to rid it from our society to stop this mental malfunction.

Whether or not women are truly equal to men (inferior or superior) isn't exactly true.  Other people on earth believe whole heartedly that women aren't equal, why aren't they just as right as we are?  They're just conflicting opinions.

It is very different than singling out blacks/women/etc.  Women don't become nurtured into womanhood, they are born that way, same as black people.  Homosexuality is not a genetic coding...and if it is, it ought ot be "cleansed" from society as it is an obvious "disease".


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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #40 on: April 30, 2006, 04:21:45 pm »
Blacks and women benefit society. Without women we'd have no children or dinner and without blacks we'd have no clothes or crack.

In all seriousness, gay people provide nothing to society. At the VERY most it controls the population SOMEWHAT...but the percentage is SO low that even that isn't a benefit.

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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #41 on: April 30, 2006, 04:35:44 pm »
Just because it's Geocities doesn't automatically make it wrong or unacceptable in a debate.

If you don't care anyway, think of it this way: the Y chromosome is NOT present in the mother until the sperm delivers it.  Y chromosomes are treated as invaders and antibodies are built up.  Over time (IE: lots of sons), the antibodies attack the Y chromosomes, and the mother's system naturally repairs things.  Since the mother doesn't have any construction info about the Y chromosomes, it improvises.  As for first-born male gay sons, or any LGBTQ for that matter, nobody is 100% certain of what's going on.

Homosexuality was considered a mental disease until a few years ago.  It was removed because unlike EVERY OTHER mental disease, it cannot be treatable.  Why?  Because it isn't a mental disease.

Until you stop bashing them, especially when you don't KNOW any, I refuse to discuss this with you anymore.

@CrAz3D: Ridding society of a specific group of people because of bias is called "genocide".  You may remember this happening to the Jews or the Tibetans.  It's also banned by the Geneva convention, which is extremely important.  People in other societies believe what they believe, and you know what?  You're not in their society because you don't agree.

Singling out any group of people because you do not consider them "good" or you think they are "inferior" is called prejudice.  Acting upon this by exterminating ("cleansing") the world of these people is GENOCIDE.  If you all agree with genocide, how about you go join the neo-nazis?

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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #42 on: April 30, 2006, 04:43:05 pm »
Until you stop bashing them, especially when you don't KNOW any, I refuse to discuss this with you anymore.
I like how you assume that I would support homosexuality if I knew gay people.  The problem with that assumption is that you necessarily imply that I don't know any.  Which is wrong.  Two of my good friends are gay.

@CrAz3D: Ridding society of a specific group of people because of bias is called "genocide".  You may remember this happening to the Jews or the Tibetans.  It's also banned by the Geneva convention, which is extremely important.  People in other societies believe what they believe, and you know what?  You're not in their society because you don't agree.

Singling out any group of people because you do not consider them "good" or you think they are "inferior" is called prejudice.  Acting upon this by exterminating ("cleansing") the world of these people is GENOCIDE.  If you all agree with genocide, how about you go join the neo-nazis?
It seems to me that if homosexuality was genetic, it would have disappeared a long time ago.

If it's not genetic, it's behavioral.
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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2006, 04:46:42 pm »
Until you stop bashing them, especially when you don't KNOW any, I refuse to discuss this with you anymore.
I like how you assume that I would support homosexuality if I knew gay people.  The problem with that assumption is that you necessarily imply that I don't know any.  Which is wrong.  Two of my good friends are gay.
I never said you'd accept it, I meant you might not be stir crazy about "cleansing".

@CrAz3D: Ridding society of a specific group of people because of bias is called "genocide".  You may remember this happening to the Jews or the Tibetans.  It's also banned by the Geneva convention, which is extremely important.  People in other societies believe what they believe, and you know what?  You're not in their society because you don't agree.

Singling out any group of people because you do not consider them "good" or you think they are "inferior" is called prejudice.  Acting upon this by exterminating ("cleansing") the world of these people is GENOCIDE.  If you all agree with genocide, how about you go join the neo-nazis?
It seems to me that if homosexuality was genetic, it would have disappeared a long time ago.

If it's not genetic, it's behavioral.
Mutation happens.  Mutation is where something changes, ie: something new.

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Re: School sued over same-sex fairy tale
« Reply #44 on: April 30, 2006, 04:57:27 pm »
OK, mutation happens, but in 10% of the population?   :o
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