You can't type in general, so I really don't care what you have to say. Maybe if you took the time to make yourself appear decent I'd care, but don't, so I don't. Simple as that.
seriously rabbit
calm down
i've been here for what... two days?
and you've already picked me out of the crowd [3 times]
so you don't like my typing? great, everytime you see sigafoo
to the left. Don't read it, it'll do you well, because I don't need this
and you don't need to make an ass out of yourself.
So do me, yourself, and everyone else a favor and just stop reading it.
By continuing to make these ''little'' comments you're just creating
more tension that doesn't need to be here. I'm just trying to get along
with people, and you just can't stop hating.
Rabbit, stop being such a hater.
Also I will be the bigger man and if you make any further post about this
I will be big enough not to respond to them.
So good day sir.
On Topic: I'll probably see this movie, but I don't i'll exactly
shell out the money to go see it in theaters.