Robert Paveza to scottadams | More options 1:39 pm (4 hours ago)
Following reading through the Dilbert newsletter last this past Sunday night, I downloaded God's Debris and began reading through it. Some things were incredibly memorable, and others made me a bit uneasy. All told, it was a remarkable story.
I just have one question.
The main character -- through whose eyes we see everything -- if he's so smart, why is he a delivery man?
Yes, I realize the book is about questioning associations, and that a recurring star of Dilbert is the World's Smartest Garbageman. I just thought it odd. ;-)
Thanks again. I'll probably buy it some time.
--Rob P.
Avid fan!
[Reply Forward] to me | More options 2:23 pm (3½ hours ago)
Maybe delivering things is fun.