I don't even remember what we did. It was undoubtedly something stupid, though. Most of the people in my class are retarded and those that aren't don't participate in this sort of garbage.
I've heard a few funny ones from my boss, though (he's lived in Meeker all of his life, aside from his time at college). One year, the seniors let a few deer into the school. I guess it took them almost an hour to get them out.
Another one: the seniors got a load of BB's and dumped them out at the top of this ramp that goes all the way down my schol (from the freshman "flight" to the beginning of the senior "flight" -- roughly 400 feet or so). To tie it over, they threw a bowling ball after that, which left a dent in one of the doors at the bottom of the ramp. I haven't looked, but my boss says it's still there.