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Downtime, at some point

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My wireless router does that, but it's internal.  The internet-facing router is a crappy one I got for free. 

Some day I might figure out how to do a PPPoE connection in Linux and put my box straight into the modem, then I can update DynDNS no problem.


--- Quote from: iago on June 27, 2006, 04:24:50 pm ---
--- Quote from: Sidoh on June 27, 2006, 03:38:18 pm ---
--- Quote from: deadly7 on June 27, 2006, 02:27:45 pm ---No, but running MySQL Queries all day takes CPU usage.

--- End quote ---

Not enough to matter with a website this size...

--- End quote ---

Yeah, it's not a significant amount. 

On a sidenote, I was also looking at commercial packages from my ISP, which would allow me to do static ip, email, proper DNS, and other stuff.  I don't want to commit to anything yet, but it looks promising.

--- End quote ---
what kind of cost difference is that....

Well, I'd likely get it in addition to my current internet, I wouldn't want my family on the same static ip.  I'd probably be looking somewhere between $40 and $100/month. 


--- Quote from: iago on June 27, 2006, 05:35:57 pm ---Well, I'd likely get it in addition to my current internet, I wouldn't want my family on the same static ip.  I'd probably be looking somewhere between $40 and $100/month. 

--- End quote ---
40-100, big price range there......why such a large range?

Mostly because I didn't feel like looking up the actual costs, which this link might get you to:

They demand a 5-year contract, and I doubt I'll be living here for that long, so I'm going to put it off for now. 


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