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Downtime, at some point

<< < (10/12) > >>

First try failed.. I didn't count for something on the firewall configuration.  I'm not sure what, but I'm confident I'll find it. 

Hopefully I'll take another stab at this tomorrow. 

Ok, the change-over has been made for the forum, and I'll copy over the site shortly. 

Expect some minor disturbances over the next couple days/weeks, though -- everything is on a new system that I'm still getting used to, so I'm not 100% confident in it. 

If your having problems with port blocking n stuff, try using They will redirect ports for you, and its ip can be dynamicly updated. You can even use your domain names. Also, your forum looks funny with no pictures and css. =)


--- Quote from: chuck on July 03, 2006, 09:45:39 pm ---If your having problems with port blocking n stuff, try using They will redirect ports for you, and its ip can be dynamicly updated. You can even use your domain names. Also, your forum looks funny with no pictures and css. =)

--- End quote ---
I use dyndns, which provides idental functionality, but thanks for the suggestion!

Smilies should be fixed.  I don't have time to fix other themes still, maybe another leader will do it *looks around*


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