A couple other things I should mention about the voting system.
I said votes are always two weeks. That is true unless one of the following conditions have been met:
1.) A sufficient number of "yes" votes tallied against the total number of active members minus the total number of "abstain" votes is achieved such that the ratio is greater than or equal to 75%, or yes/(active-abstain) >= 0.75. Thus, if five members (out of the current twenty-one active) abstain, twelve members voting yes would create the necessary 75% majority and, even though 12/21 is not nearly 75%, because five abstained and are not counted against the total, it works.
2.) A sufficient number of "no" votes tallied against the total number of active members minus the total number of "abstain" votes is achieved such that the ratio is greater than 25%, or no/(active-abstain) > 0.25. Thus, if five members (of the current twenty-one active) abstain, 5 members voting no would exceed the required 25% minority. Again, even though 5/21 is not 25%, because of the abstain votes not being counted against the total, we have a majority.
Members are allowed to change their votes up until the time that the figurehead (or his/her appointee, who is me at the moment because Newby is out of town, well he's actually in town to me, because he's near me, but he's out of town as in away from everyone else) declares the vote over, which is either after the two weeks or any time after one of the two above conditions is met.
As an aside Furious, I might have given you approval before your brazen example of disregard for how our system works. I actually just defended you over something in one of our private discussion areas. Now I'm not so sure.