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--- Quote from: iago on July 06, 2006, 05:24:56 pm ---I think Sidoh tried that once, and it didn't work out

--- End quote ---

Exactly as blaze said.  I gave up because it needed an ftp accoutn.


--- Quote from: Sidoh on July 06, 2006, 05:41:34 pm ---
--- Quote from: iago on July 06, 2006, 05:24:56 pm ---I think Sidoh tried that once, and it didn't work out

--- End quote ---

Exactly as blaze said.  I gave up because it needed an ftp accoutn.

--- End quote ---
lol haxor his boxen stop being noob


--- Quote from: Blaze on July 06, 2006, 05:29:29 pm ---
--- Quote from: iago on July 06, 2006, 05:24:56 pm ---I think Sidoh tried that once, and it didn't work out

--- End quote ---

Yes, I think he needed ftp access to the site, so maybe it's something you can do?  :)

--- End quote ---

Yeah, then I said something like, "If you can find a way to do it without an FTP account, or can give me exact instructions on how to, then I'll do it"

1. adduser sidoh
2. visudo (add Sidoh to sudoers)
3. Tell him
4. Watch him like a hawk while he works



--- Quote from: Joe[x86] on July 06, 2006, 07:33:20 pm ---1. adduser sidoh
2. visudo (add Sidoh to sudoers)
3. Tell him
4. Watch him like a hawk while he works


--- End quote ---

no, SMF's addons require an ftp account.  You could probably do it without it, but it's not worth the work, in my opinion.


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