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New Server

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SSH can double as SFTP. Different protocol for the exact same concept.


--- Quote from: Joe[x86] on July 06, 2006, 10:06:51 pm ---SSH can double as SFTP. Different protocol for the exact same concept.

--- End quote ---

I know, but you're silly if you think SMF supports that.

Oh.. the addon itself requires it? Excuse my lack of thought. I was thinking you meant to install it. :p


--- Quote from: Joe[x86] on July 06, 2006, 11:15:04 pm ---Oh.. the addon itself requires it? Excuse my lack of thought. I was thinking you meant to install it. :p

--- End quote ---

Well, the installation procedure requires it.  It would require a lot more work to do it without SMF's addon features, so until iago sets up a FTP server, I doubt it's gonna happen.

I assure you that I have no intention of setting up an FTP server, so... :P


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