So if we couldn't lose our salvarion, most people would recieve their salvation, then continue to live their own life after that. IE: rarely coming to church, never praying, not reading the Bible, etc. And yet we can still go to Heaven?
You're Christian, right? Salvation requires: a) The unquestionable belief in Jesus Christ as our savior, and b) Repentance of all sins.
The Bible urges us to attend church and refresh our memories of the scripture because turning away from the religion as a whole becomes much easier as you detatch yourself from activities that practice your beliefs.
According to Christianity, salvation is
not based on merrit.
We might not all deserve an eternity in heaven, but I don't think too many people on this world deserve an eternity of torture.
Like I said, salvation--or, conversely, damnation--is not based on merrit.