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IRC Channel!

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Isn't popular? I doubt it'll ever come back the way it used to be. When #x86 used to have 20+ people in it. :/

"getting it to work" = getting the channel like that.

I'm not worried about it. If someone wants in the channel, they're free to come in, and if someone doesn't know about the channel, it's their own fault for not reading the forums. If you'd like AOP, let me know, and you're totally allowed to advertise or whatever.

Me and Newby ruled that IRCd, it'll never be the same.  :P


--- Quote from: Krazed on August 08, 2006, 08:14:12 am ---Me and Newby ruled that IRCd, it'll never be the same.  :P

--- End quote ---

Word to that.


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