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Your new leaders ARE....

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I only run when I'm sure that in the event that I get elected I can fufill my duties. Last time I didn't do so hot when my PC got messed.


--- Quote from: Warrior[x86] on August 06, 2006, 11:41:17 am ---I only run when I'm sure that in the event that I get elected I can fufill my duties. Last time I didn't do so hot when my PC got messed.

--- End quote ---
exactly what I thought.  There is no way I could do that right now, especially when school starts :P

You guys make it seem like running the clan is this big time-consuming job.  I have news for you: it's not (usually).

The things I actually do:

- Try to help members resolve disputes
- Consider new members
- Ban problematic people (Usually somebody beats me to it)
- Create boards for people (I usually make Sidoh do that)
- Make fun of people on the secret leaders-only board (kidding)
- Updates for the server (that's more because I run the server than because I'm a leader -- even if I wasn't leader I'd still do it)

As you can see, there isn't much to it, really.  Disputes are rare, new members are rare, problems are rare, and new boards are rare.  All I'm really needed for is to have a presence. 

Replace "make fun of people" with "massive eOrgies" and that's basically what the leader forum is like.

What iago said. Plus handling voting, which, when multiple members are attempting to join, can be a pain in the ass more than anything.

That's what being a figurehead is like. >:D

Though I am glad that warrior/towelie would not run if they knew they couldn't be active; I'd like leaders to be active enough to at least hop on once or twice a day. That way, if a member has a problem and PMs a leader, the leader can respond at least within 24 hours.


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