According to what I've heard, Christianity is based upon having faith that God exists. Faith is the strong belief in an idea. Since the circumstances on getting accepted into heaven hasn't changed since Jesus died on the cross, so it's basically timeless (until of course that huge Heaven vs Hell war). Since ideas are never a proven fact, until of course somebody can prove them, does this mean that Christians believe that it is impossible to know for a fact whether there is a God, yet they just have strong belief that there is a God? Does this mean that Christians are, in a way, agnostic?
If the above is true, I want to put a few of my beliefs into question. If God exists, then he will accept you into Heaven if you show faith. If this is true, I believe that when God put time in motion, he set it in motion so everything can be described through science, as since it's all about faith, if he made it possible to scientifically prove his existence, or if he made it impossible to scientifically the world and the universe we live in, then instead of having faith, it would be knowing, and it would fuck everything up.
I posted this because I want to challenge my beliefs.