You don't fight mages that can crit you for 3/4 of your health, then. If the mage positions theirself in the correct manner, they can hit you with Pyroblast, Fireball, Fire Blast and Fire Nova all within about 3-4 seconds. That's just about enough to kill most anyone if they all hit.
That's the idea!
Fire Nova, ehh? That must be new, unless you mean Blast wave.
Okay, assume I'm dueling you, Krazed. I would as soon as it starts, hit my Silence button, and then by the time my fireball and pyro and fireblast hit you, you'd still be silenced. Good duel.
What happened to your AQ guild? Also, why would you repec fire if you're just starting in MC again?
Ugh... I never said anything about AQ40, what are you talking about? I'm just playing around with it for a couple days, trying to make PvP more interesting. It's working. I'm going to be frost, soon.
Mages have awesome burst dps, but burst dps isn't useful in many situations.
Also, that wasn't a single crit. In that sort of situation, Fire Blast is nearly undetectable. I nearly guarantee that they hit you with Pyroblast/Fireball and Fire Blast.
Fire Blast does make an animation on impact, and the lack of health is noticeable.