No, it has bash. Notice how I was able to launch it? I just had ~/.bashrc containing a "link" to /etc/profile on a slackware box, so some things there weren't expected, but here's the output for you anyway:
[mullins@grays ~]$ bash
bash-3.00$ exit
[mullins@grays ~]$ which bash; whereis bash
bash: /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/bash.OBSOLETE /usr/local/bin/bash /usr/share/man/man1/bash.1.gz
[mullins@grays ~]$ ypchsh
Changing NIS account information for mullins on
Please enter password:
Changing login shell for mullins on
To accept the default, simply press return. To use the
system's default shell, type the word "none".
Login shell [/usr/local/bin/tcsh]: none
Error while changing the login shell.
The login shell has not been changed on
I don't think I have access to change it. Maybe I can just launch bash when I first log in?
Edit: seems to work fine doing that. I just have to type "exit" twice. >_>
sidoh@muaddib:~$ ssh mullins@grays
mullins@grays's password:
Last login: Tue Sep 5 14:20:54 2006 from
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| Use /usr/local/bin/npasswd to change your password. (The old commands, |
| passwd and yppasswd, have been disabled.) |
mullins@grays:~$ echo $SHELL
mullins@grays:~$ cat ~/.cshrc
mullins@grays:~$ grep "/bin/bash" ~/profile
export SHELL="/bin/bash"