If there was a "Language of Science," it would be mathematics...
If you're referring to the names used in classifying animals, that's Latin...
There was a lot of debate in Angels and Demons as to what the language of science is, mostly taking place at CERN. They arrived at the conclusion that the language of science is English, as most modern day theories are stated in English and translated from that when need be. However, I just find that Italian is more.. cool.. than English. For example, I like the words Religione and Scienza better than Religion and Science, but that's just me. It flows better would be the best way to put it, I guess.
How lame.
Name them "vagina," "penis," "nipples," etc.
No. My parents use the network too. I doubt they'd be able to tell what my computers are named, but all around, I wouldn't name my computers that. For example, in school if I'm talking to another Linux user (theres a few), imagine this conversation:
Other person: Hey, what's your hostname?
Joe: penis.
* Other person walks away.
I usually name my computers after geeky or kind-of-geeky characters in books, etc. deepthought is my server, muaddib is windows on my desktop, shaihulud is linux on my desktop (both from Dune), benediction is windows on my laptop, anathema is linux on my desktop (got the idea from an item in WoW, but I like the words in general).
Yum, anathema. You should have named the windows installation Anathema and named Linux Benediction, because Benediction is the holy staff and Anathema is the shadow staff.