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Not my fault!

(1/4) > >>

My parents were doing electrical work all morning, so I had to shut off the server with no advance notice.  Sorry 'bout that, but hopefully it'll be back on for awhile.


--- Quote from: iago on September 16, 2006, 02:18:15 pm ---My parents were doing electrical work all morning, so I had to shut off the server with no advance notice.  Sorry 'bout that, but hopefully it'll be back on for awhile.

--- End quote ---

Don't worry, it's alright.  I sleep during the morning.

Damnit, they did it again without telling me.  It's a total bitch to bring up 10 VMWare servers that have been hard-shutdown at once. 

Yea I hate it when my parents.... oh that's right, I don't live with my parents ;)

LOL Damn


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