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Not my fault!

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My mom does the same things--She says that she cleaned up the basement a few days ago and *accidentally* unplugged my computer, When I go downstairs I find the entire extension cord from the computer to the power bar has been removed, and the power cord has been completely yanked out of the power supply, and put in a drawer.  ::)

If your house burns down from an extension cord being used for that, I highly doubt your insurance aggency will give you any money, btw.  :)

It's not a long one, it's one of those blue ones, I think it's meant for a car being plugged in at winter time, but I use it anyways, and it works fine. Been using it for nearly two years now. :)

It's meant for high voltage, it's 3-pronged. :)

3 leads doesn't mean it is meant for high voltage, it just means it is grounded ;)

I know, but only the high-end power cords have that, and that's what I have... I high-end power cord.  ;D


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