So, I downloaded Slackware and created a nice, tidy VM for it. 27gb hard drive, 512MB of RAM, etc. Popped the ISO into the virtual machine's virtual CD-ROM, and booted it up. fdisk'd the drive and made a nice cozy 1gb swap partition and the rest designated to be the / partition.
Every time I'd go to the host system - whether it was using the ActiveX control or the VMRC client, the console thread would freeze.
Pressing right alt+del would be enough to kick it back into gear, but then, ctrl+alt+delete is the universal "I fucked up" key combination.
Any thoughts before I get pissed and go to Fedora Core? I just want an apache and mysql server :/
[edit]And a nice GUI.[/edit]
[edit2]Slackware 10.2.[/edit2]