Oh. Duh. What was I thinking? We should just expect there to be absolutely no security issues whatsoever in any code that comes out of Redmond. Because, as we all no, absolutely no quality software EVER requires updates.
I was responding to the post I quoted:
Vista is rock solid security wise
showing that it's not, in fact, "rock solid". It's just another OS, and it's going to have its share of security flaws.
Okay? Given they were two out of ten bugs, and given it wasn't specified so it may not even be one of the critical security issues. Vista is still not released so they in fact are ironing out some of the bugs.
I still stand by it being rock solid, most of the XP vulns allowed a user to take control of your computer. With UAC locking every important thing down, I seriously doubt this will be an issue.
And at the UI stuff: I found it annoying to, but there is an option in explorer to show the File Edit Help menus.
The reason my stuff looks big is my ATi drivers wont let me set my res past 1024x768 for some reason.
@Rabbit: How's CS and stuff running? I hear Steam games have problem with the Vista game epxlorer.