Facebook killed the radio star. And by radio star, I mean the premise of distributed forums around the internet. And that got got by Instagram/SnapChat. And that got got by TikTok. Where the fuck is the internet we once knew?
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United States Coast Guard Academy (reach, but the more I think about it I really would prefer Sydney)I see no correlation between USCGA and Sydney...
I know that the idea of going to a state university is unappetizing, but I have to say ASU (Arizona State) is rock solid on a lot of stuff. -- Psychology program, in social and clinical subfields, is incredibly strong. -- Mechanical engineering -- Biomedical sciencesWe're one of only two Research I public universities in the country, which means we bring in the highest amount of grant money for research. With the Biodesign Institute just being completed, we're also now the largest biomedical research institution in the greater Phoenix metro area. ASU's campus has 60,000 students on the main and another 15,000 students at the extended campus, expecting to reach a total enrollment of over 100,000 by 2016.Just thought I'd share.
fuck allfo you i dont give a fuck ill fight everyone of you fuck that sbhit fuck you
I'm still a sophomore, but I plan on applying to University of Michigan.
I'd personally do as Joe suggests
You might be right about that, Joe.