Boss attempt 2:
Apparently most of the mobs hadn't respawned yet since my last run (very short line, woot!), and I managed to drop a few bosses using the consumable item "Medical Form" and the reusable items "Social Security Card" and "Birth Certificate", and then used the world object called "Eye Tester", triggering the final boss encounter. However, the boss did something I thought would never be scripted in any game: He told me that the server was going to go down and I would be teleported to outside the instance (the DMV was closing soon and they couldn't print off my permit today). However, he told me that if I was to rerun the instance tomorrow, those bosses wouldn't need to be killed, nor would that event need to be triggered - I could simply have at the main boss. I'm expecting to solo that boss tomorrow and get the phat lewt of a license.