I pay my friend to do my Chemistry
Are you serious?
Also, in first year, I can't really see what would qualify as "engineering" homework as opposed to math, chemistry or computer science homework.
We have labs we have to write and we have stuff to do outside class (I recently constructed a beam out of epoxy, toothpicks, and some carbon fiber. 6 grams held almost 63 kg!). And I lied (partially) about chemistry. I do the problems from the book, and I pay my friend to do the ones on OWL (which are stupid).
That's infernally despicable. If you're not going to do your homework, just don't do it -- don't cheat. =\
You may say "things are stupid and thus I'll do whatever to make them fair". That's
subjective. If everyone took that attitude, there'd be anarchy, and you would be mired in a 21st-century French Revolution. So why can you and you alone break the rules? Are you better than other people? Maybe you think you are, but once again that's subjective; if everyone took that attitude... French Revolution.
Furthermore -- some laws are stupid, but morals are objectively correct. I agree with breaking certain laws and customs. But this is a morality issue, not a legal issue, so you can't argue "it's a stupid rule so I'll break it".