Facebook killed the radio star. And by radio star, I mean the premise of distributed forums around the internet. And that got got by Instagram/SnapChat. And that got got by TikTok. Where the fuck is the internet we once knew?
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Your argument is flawed and, quite honestly, fucking retarded. What you're saying is "they should have bought more bandwidth in the event of a website with a very similar name springing up and becoming popular so that they would get free advertisement for/from/in a completely unrelated market." You are truely stupid if you try to tell me I'm wrong again.
People trying to get to YouTube crashed UTube's servers many many times, resulting in them losing business when contractors and distributors couldn't access their site, and being forced to buy far more bandwidth than they would have otherwise needed. And, mind you, a lot of deals that companies like UTube make are in the millions of dollars area, so missing 2 or 3 of them would be an enormous detriment to their profits. Now tell me if you think they should lose.
Metal, you're stupid. Shutup.