But when IE7 implemented tabbed browsing it works EXACTLY like firefox's does. Right down to the keyboard shortcuts.
Like what, Ctrl+Tab? You realize that Ctrl+Tab has been the *Windows* shortcut for switchiing windows *within* one program since Windows 3.0, right? On any Windows program that could be considered MDI, Ctrl+Tab has been
the standard for switching MDI children.
Also, and this is just an FYI, Firefox was released to 1.0 in November, 2004. Microsoft Visual Studio was already using the tabbed browsing paradigm for 2 years in the source code editor. Firefox must have copied Visual Studio!
You're not making your case, I hope you realize. As unTactical pointed out, there's nothing wrong with reimplementing features (otherwise there wouldn't be such a thing as an open-source movement, where not only features but the code behind features is copied), especially when they have proven to work in the past. It's an insult to anyone who has ever written software and taken inspiration from someone else's work that you say that they shouldn't "copy" features from other things.
Or maybe do what firefox did in the first place which was come up with a new idea to impleament instead of just stealing them all from other companies' successes.
You're right, they didn't implement an
HTML browser, they didn't include
RSS (which was not a Mozilla-developed standard), they didn't include support for