What server do you play on? Class/Race?
Tauren Warrior on Dethecus. I also have a level 8 orc warrior on Stormscale, and a level 6 human mage on Durotar. It took numerous trys over the year(s) for me to finally get into the game.
edit cause joe posted while I was typing-
Yes it's my first character. I hit 15 last night doing RFC runs. I also found out that I'm a shitty tank
Ragefire Chasm? Hehe, we all play alliance.
Like I said above I started an alliance character once (I also have two level 2's somewhere, but I didn't count those) but I found the game incredibly boring alone. I started my tauren because my friend kept telling me he was going to install the game and start a char on Dethecus. He's a BIG warcraft nerd who literally loathes the alliance so even though I wanted to stick to my d2 paladin roots, I would rather have played with him than alone. Of course, there's still no sign of him ever installing it, but because the beginner missions are so damn redundant, I think I'll stick with my tauren for at least a little while until I can finally work up the tolerance to start yet another new char as a paladin.