UpdateUnfortunately, we've lost everything on our account. Sorry for anyone this has affected, but it was just something that happened. The hosting company was unable to contact us the day after the payment was due and somehow believed that means that we wanted the account deleted.
In any case, we'll be setting up accounts again. However, we are going to ask people who use it for any sort of major cause (forums that get a medium amount of traffic, etc) to help us earn some money by clicking on Google Ad links. I'm going to be adding them to my uploader and I've be very grateful if you'd take the five seconds to click on a link.
We are not asking that the people we host pay; that's not what we want dark-wire to be. However, we will happily be accepting donations for anyone who is feeling generous.
If you need a FTP account set up, please contact either Mythix or I over AIM, MSN or e-mail (
for me) and we'll get to it as soon as we can.
We're really sorry for any problems this has caused. God knows we're both upset about it too!