The school gets a ton of grant money for having the program. Out of all of the schools in the city (public anyway) ours is easily the one with the most funding, newest technology, etc.
Yeah, but without having been super sucky in the first place, it wouldn't have been PICKED for IB. Get what I'm saying?
So I have to meet with my counselor Thursday because I'm incompetent enough to fill out my own registration information! I just needed to really ask a couple things (when is it due, what reqs and all that jazz). If my counselor tells me about how hard it will be to do it at the U of M, I might just like.. bitchslap her. She told me that it would be super hard for me take Physics, Biology, and Chemistry at the normal pace (we have no Honors science.. not enough. It was split between AP / Honors, so they dropped honors) despite my above 4.0 GPA and the classes' easiness.