Yeah, I speak from experience. No, it doesn't make me angry, I don't get so mad I want to take a gun to school (I've seen the flash), I rarely even play CS anymore. I just think there is something fundamentally wrong with people who think it's ok to cheat in such a way. In essence, those people are the ones more likely to be the shooters at Columbine, not the poor kid who is frusterated because of the hackers.
Eh. I don't think like that. I just assume the ones that play counterstrike without hacking enjoy playing games, and the people that make hacks enjoy staring at asm. Those that use hacks enjoy not having to get too into the game, yet still feel like they're tearin it up.
The kids that shoot up schools have something wrong with their brain.
From what I've seen as a collective opinion from myg0t, however, they prefer to make the hacks and use them purely to see people's reactions, not because they want to practice their coding (which could be done in a more constructive way anyhow). And I think there _is_ something wrong with people who hack in online games, since they're basically lying to themselves and believing it. Anyway, that's a different story for a different thread, I'm sure.
Quik, you obviously don't speak from experience, most g0ts don't even hack in any of the games we rage nowadays.
And I don't play CS anymore. I'm talking about from a while ago, back before you had even heard of myg0t I'm sure.