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So yeah.... leaders....

(1/3) > >>

Uhh..... they didn't change. :police:

iago got 9 votes. MyndFyre got 7 votes. Sidoh got 6 votes.

Congrats to them, and hats off to the contestants who put up one hell of a fight. Enforcing the "don't-vote-for-yourself" rule makes stuff interesting; we almost saw two new leaders in office if it weren't for a few votes at the end!

I give thee the authority to tell the world (including me) how badly I lost.

I don't know how to vote.


--- Quote from: Ersan on December 21, 2006, 06:54:31 am ---I don't know how to vote.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Newby ---Method of vote submission: PRIVATE MESSAGE. No other form of submission will be allowed. PM me with your votes. I will not be hunting you down to make you vote. If you don't vote, tough shit.

If you can't figure out how to PM, click "PRIVATE MESSAGE" as it's a hyperlink.
--- End quote ---

Was this a vote for only the staff?


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