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I'd personally do as Joe suggests
You might be right about that, Joe.
mutsumibear: David's coming over Sunday so we can have mad sex all day.zxdropoff: lucky youmutsumibear: I know.mutsumibear: I just pray I don't start my period before then.zxdropoff: omfgzxdropoff: stfuzxdropoff: now pleasemutsumibear: HAHAmutsumibear: I love disturbing you.
guys is
The Mac guys is an asshole. If these comericals are to get people to lean towards a mac when Choosing there OS then I still go back to Windows. I want to kick that guy in the nuts. "Iam cool and laid back, ROFL look at my buddie windows he comes in a 3 boxes, I come in one." Fuck Steve Jobs and his marketing team.
Quote from: ZeroX on February 13, 2007, 10:49:32 pmguys isI should have stopped reading at that.
The thing that pisses me off is that these commercials are sort of taking advantage of people who simply don't have a clue of what's going on. Sure, it's their fault, but I wouldn't want it happening to me, and it's definately not moral to do so
My grammer is 1337.
The common person dosent know a damn thing about a comptuer let alone what an OS is. Assuming that you are an average person in today society you probally have only used Windows and have had some type of break out in your system so you would think "LOL, No virus on Mac? Easy to set up? The guy in teh commerical is laid back and whitty? Damn Mac is the choice for me" So I totally agree with you on your statement. But you cant really think its taking advantage of somebody on their own stupidty and lack of Knowledge.
What's grammer? Grammar, you mean?
[20:21:13] xar: i was just thinking about the time iago came over here and we made this huge bomb and light up the sky for 6 min[20:21:15] xar: that was funny
The detergent I use isn't a matter of a thousand dollars, though.