Should have mentioned how easy it is to install and use Metasploit, and that if everyone who trojann'd someone was 1337, the world would flip upside-down (not to mention every knowledgable "hacker" would kill themselves).
[EDIT]: From the tribute to Feanor[xL], the hacker:
Don't ask me how it happens, but he apparently
got hackers like I_ago and Skywing to code the assembly for him.
(underscore inserted to avoid filters)
[EDIT 2]: Oh yes, they use StealthBot.
[EDIT 3]: Not ForgeHosting, because of this:
rince temp
Morgan would never let Rince on his server, and MadzLair got off his hosting a while ago. IIRC it's some host that has to do with death or the grim reaper or something that he's on now, or that he moved to.
It also has folder "exile". I don't know about this, but I thought Clan Exile used Venox's box. Could be different "exile", or they could be bullshitting