They are talking about the principle of the thing (they aren't showing up drunk, AFAIK). Being tested by your school to see if you got hammered Friday night is an invasion of privacy.
I don't think a single kid in my school that was tested for drugs showed up to school high, but they still tested them. The only person I can remember here bitching about drug tests was Gamesnake.
The problem I see here is that far too many people think it's acceptable to break a law that they deem inconvenient. What other laws will a person deem inconvenient as he gets older? Really, the way I see it is if one law can be deemed unimportant, any law can be.
1) I dont think that the schools should be testing for alcohol like that. We need to return to being a society of responsible persons, we're entirely too reliant upon the government to be our mommy & hold our hand.
I think we need to be a society of responsible persons. Unfortunately, not very many people are being very responsible about following the laws in this country. People need to be held accountable for their actions. However, minors drink, think it's great, and learn absolutely nothing; that's why they need to be punished.
2) What about the kids that have parents that let them drink? Should we just disregard the notion of privacy in our private lives for the higher morality of society?
The parents will tell the school/law enforcement that they allowed their child to drink. Seriously, though, how many times have your parents been with you giving you the alcohol to make it legal? I really think that the school has this right; they're trying to protect the students.