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Offline Joe

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High School Dropout
« on: February 18, 2007, 05:10:15 pm »
Yep. After my last suspension (Thursday and Friday for giving a staff member the silent treatment), my parents and I decided that my school is bullshit. At the end of this semester, I'm dropping out.

I've got myself a spot in the Insight School of Wisconsin, which is all done online. With that, the free laptop they give me, and the local Internet Cafe joint, I look to graduate with the class of '08 (I was born in the class of '09).

I've got a question for you folks, though. They offer Spanish, German, French, Latin, and Ancient Greek. If you were in my shoes, which would you take? I'm thinking Latin, because the rest of the other languages are based off of it, Spanish, because it's going to be an official language in the United States soon -- you have to speak it to deal with half your customers, and Ancient Greek (because it's fuckin' cool).

Also, it seems like this is the point where I should decided what I'd like to persue more education in, software or hardware. I think that my career is going to be in computers somewhere, but I'm not sure if I want to go into the hardware or software field. I'd be interested in landing myself a job with some local computer store (theres a nice store in Reedsburg, I believe, which isn't a far drive) doing something, but I'm not sure what I'd be interested in doing for them. Do you guys think Hardware or Software is a better field?
I'd personally do as Joe suggests

You might be right about that, Joe.

Offline Armin

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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2007, 05:13:56 pm »
Have fun getting through life without a high school diploma.
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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2007, 05:50:45 pm »
Latin blows.

Offline dark_drake

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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2007, 06:38:07 pm »
I think you're in the wrong on this one. High school isn't just about learning the material; it's also about learning to deal with people, and it sounds to me you have a long way to go in that department.
errr... something like that...

Offline Sidoh

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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2007, 06:59:30 pm »
Joe, this is absolutely a bad decision, assuming this means you will not earn a genuine high school diploma.  Do not drop out of high school.  It is a fact that GED's are not as respected as a real high school diploma.  There is endless proof that this is true.  That being said, what is this school you're attending classified as?  What degree do you earn?

I understand that some schools may be bad and, in fact, may be bad enough to warrant a transfer, but for your sake, do not drop out.

I've noticed that you have a bit of what I see as an attitude problem, Joe.  I think you're smart and hold the potential to succeed, but you rebel with little reason, you disobey the rules because you think you're above them and you seem to strive to not blend in (I'm not saying that being different is a bad thing.  I'm wearing a shirt that says "geek" right now.. it's just nice to not raise controversy sometimes...).

Offline skip

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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2007, 07:54:05 pm »
Don't drop out of school. You do not get a second chance. Sure, you may not be doing so good right now, but you're a sophomore [correct me if I'm wrong], you have time to turn things around. You may not realize it now, but, I GUARANTEE, you will regret this decision.

Don't just think about the temporary benefits of dropping out of school now (ie: sleep in, no homework, no stress of school). Think about the long run.

Offline CrAz3D

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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2007, 08:13:49 pm »
unless this is just some artsy highschool you're enrolling to, then dont do it you fucking moron
...otherwise, cool.
so long as you get your highschool diploma

oh yeah, and what everyone else said about getting suspended, stop being stupid

Offline Joe

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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2007, 09:42:34 pm »
Have fun getting through life without a high school diploma.

I'm going to get my HSED, and I'm going to do it at least ten times more badassly than anyone else I know. :)

Latin blows.

I know, but I figured that if half the world's languages are based off it, I might as well know it. Also, (don't laugh), my second career thought was a lawyer, and like, everything they say is in Latin. :P. Bad reason to learn it, but hell, it's a full credit for knowing the basics.

I think you're in the wrong on this one. High school isn't just about learning the material; it's also about learning to deal with people, and it sounds to me you have a long way to go in that department.

First, congrats to being the only one to catch the fact that I'm still going to get my diploma. Second, I know that, but in the work world, if a steriotypical teenage/preteen girl comes in to buy a computer to me, I'll laugh them off and tell them to find their parent. Bad business practice, but eh, they're probably not going to buy something worth me selling it anyhow.

Don't drop out of school. You do not get a second chance. Sure, you may not be doing so good right now, but you're a sophomore [correct me if I'm wrong], you have time to turn things around. You may not realize it now, but, I GUARANTEE, you will regret this decision.

Don't just think about the temporary benefits of dropping out of school now (ie: sleep in, no homework, no stress of school). Think about the long run.

I'm going to be able to sleep in, have no homework, much less stress of school (although some, still), good reason to make e-Cafe runs, and still get my HSED. I'm not sure if you read the whole post. :-\

unless this is just some artsy highschool you're enrolling to, then dont do it you fucking moron
...otherwise, cool.
so long as you get your highschool diploma

Congrats on being the second to read the whole thing. I'm not sure what you mean as far as "artsy", but I'm asuming you mean a high-up-there education. From what my dad told me (I had to work and couldn't attend the info seminar) they're a very well respected program, and the majority of my higher-up Comp Sci classes will double as University of Arizona, Phoenix college credits. So I'm getting a well respected and damn good education, plus college level stuffs, for free (they get their funding from pulling like $1/$1000 (assuming 1000 kids in my district) from the local districts funding).

oh yeah, and what everyone else said about getting suspended, stop being stupid

It's hard to justify what happened over the internet, but if you were there you'd realize that I was totally in the right. I'm not just saying that either -- in front of my dad, the principal even sort of confessed he was right ("I was just going with the teacher said -- he's right, it's really loud in there..") and my dad fully understood my point. The teacher who started it is a straight up jackass some days, enough said.

I'm looking into these classes for next year:

1 credit: ENG 210 -- Critical Reading and Effective Writing
1 credit: ENG 310 -- American Literature
1 credit: ENG 410 -- British Literature
My fourth credit come from Freshman Lit and Comp in my current school.

Social Studies:
1 credit: SOC 310 -- US History
The second credit comes from World History and Geography, a half credit each.

1 credit: SCI 410 -- Physics
The second credit comes from Science 9-1 and Science 9-2. I'm not sure if I should take Physics, Chemistry, or Biology -- Physics sounds most interesting, albiet useless to me.

Electives: (8 credits)
1 credit: SPN 110
1 credit: SPN 210
1 credit: LAT 110
1 credit: LAT 210
1 credit: GRK 310

I'm still wondering if I should drop Latin for some Comp Sci, persue Spanish further, or whatnot. The remaining three I believe I already have, but if not, Comp Sci will be picked up to finish it off (it probably will anyhow -- I'd like to persue more education on that).
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 09:59:10 pm by Joe[x86] »
I'd personally do as Joe suggests

You might be right about that, Joe.

Offline Ender

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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2007, 10:01:29 pm »
Joe, I see you as someone who will pursue computers, software, and hardware exclusively whether or not you drop out of high school. But this is the time of your life to become educated, and there's more to education than computers. I'm worried that if you drop out of school you will not learn the school material that's nonrelated to computers on your own, simply because you will not be motivated to do so. In order to get a satisfactory education from the online school you talk about, you will need more motivation and initiative in learning things nonrelated to computers than you have right now in high school.

So my advice is that if you are going to drop out of high school, make sure that you have bulletproof plans for your future and that you're motivated enough to follow through with these plans (I don't doubt your motivation in subjects relating to computers, but I do doubt it in subjects not related to computers).

Also, I advise you to discover some passions that have nothing to do with computers.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 10:04:21 pm by Ender »

Offline Sidoh

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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2007, 10:33:04 pm »
I think you're in the wrong on this one. High school isn't just about learning the material; it's also about learning to deal with people, and it sounds to me you have a long way to go in that department.

First, congrats to being the only one to catch the fact that I'm still going to get my diploma. Second, I know that, but in the work world, if a steriotypical teenage/preteen girl comes in to buy a computer to me, I'll laugh them off and tell them to find their parent. Bad business practice, but eh, they're probably not going to buy something worth me selling it anyhow.

He didn't say (or imply) that he knew you were still getting a diploma.  You weren't at all clear this this is the case, nor did you give any reason to suspect that you'd still be getting a diploma.  You said you (are?) going to drop out of high school.  That usually means you're going to try something else.  You said you were taking courses online.  To me, that seems to be some sort of shady alternative that will award you with something like a GED, not a high school diploma.

I think Ender is making a good call here (as well as drake, who also gave exceptionally wise advice).  You may have found a passion that you wish to pursue for the remainder of your life (and that's good; it makes all the difference when the time to choose comes), but that doesn't mean you shouldn't poke around in other fields, nor does it mean it gives you the "OK" to ignore subjects that don't seem related to your interests.  I took a lot of classes that had nothing to do with computers in high school (as well as extending the normal curriculum) and I can't tell you how useful the information, experiences and intelligence I gained through them has been.

I want you to know that I'm not discouraging you from exploring alternatives to your high school, but I am discouraging you from dropping out of high school all together.  I don't care if you intend to complete some online alternative; I think it's a terrible idea.  As drake said, one of the most important things you can take away from high school is the experience with people.  They may be annoying, immature, stupid and cruel, but the experiences you share with them will prepare you for the next step, whatever that may be.

Don't drop out, Joe.  Stick to it.


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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2007, 10:34:36 pm »
1 credit: ENG 310 -- American Literature
1 credit: ENG 410 -- British Literature

Those build off of one another, why are you taking them concurrently?

I highly doubt you'll pursue law, and even if you do you'll learn all the latin you need in law school. For what you want to do you don't need it.

Offline Sidoh

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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2007, 10:39:04 pm »
I highly doubt you'll pursue law, and even if you do you'll learn all the latin you need in law school. For what you want to do you don't need it.

Why shouldn't he take things that he doesn't need for his career.  Just about any college graduate you talk to will encourage you to take classes outside of your "comfort zone."

Offline Newby

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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2007, 10:41:52 pm »
You're a flat out pussy if you're going to drop out. I'm bored as shit in high school and hardly ever learn, but you don't see me dropping out.

First, congrats to being the only one to catch the fact that I'm still going to get my diploma. Second, I know that, but in the work world, if a steriotypical teenage/preteen girl comes in to buy a computer to me, I'll laugh them off and tell them to find their parent. Bad business practice, but eh, they're probably not going to buy something worth me selling it anyhow.

The red = reasons why you need to stay in high school. You did that you'd be fired on the spot. And you mis-spelled stereotypical. If you're using Firefox (built-in spell checker) you truly should go through high school.

Congrats on being the second to read the whole thing. I'm not sure what you mean as far as "artsy", but I'm asuming you mean a high-up-there education. From what my dad told me (I had to work and couldn't attend the info seminar) they're a very well respected program, and the majority of my higher-up Comp Sci classes will double as University of Arizona, Phoenix college credits. So I'm getting a well respected and damn good education, plus college level stuffs, for free (they get their funding from pulling like $1/$1000 (assuming 1000 kids in my district) from the local districts funding).

If you got a 5 on ANY AP test your current high school offers, you'd get college credit for the class. And it isn't limited to one mediocre college. You're making a stupid decision.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 10:53:41 pm by Newby »
- Newby

[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

I'd bet that you're currently bloated like a water ballon on a hot summer's day.

That analogy doesn't even make sense.  Why would a water balloon be especially bloated on a hot summer's day? For your sake, I hope there wasn't too much logic testing on your LSAT. 


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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2007, 11:01:55 pm »
I highly doubt you'll pursue law, and even if you do you'll learn all the latin you need in law school. For what you want to do you don't need it.

Why shouldn't he take things that he doesn't need for his career.  Just about any college graduate you talk to will encourage you to take classes outside of your "comfort zone."

Because compared to Spanish, Latin and Ancient Greek are pretty much useless. If he decides to go into law he could even take an entry level course in college. I'm not saying he shouldn't take other classes, as I plan on taking some Roman history classes (something I don't need, but am interested in) and think it makes somebody well rounded. There's a difference between doing that and planning classes with no foresight, however.

Offline Joe

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Re: High School Dropout
« Reply #14 on: February 18, 2007, 11:09:16 pm »
For the record, I'm still getting my HSED.

To Newby, my school is so broke they offer TWO AP classes now -- US History and Calc, neither of which I care about right now.

1 credit: ENG 310 -- American Literature
1 credit: ENG 410 -- British Literature

Those build off of one another, why are you taking them concurrently?

I won't. I'll take them in order. There's no "semesters", though. The class finishes when you've done all the work and passed the tests. I could do "three semesters" of English in one year, piece of cake.

Now, let me tell you guys something: Nothing you guys say here is going to stop me from doing this. I was just asking what you guys thought I should take for classes.

Trust, I was thinking about dropping Latin, but I have a reason to learn Ancient Greek.
I'd personally do as Joe suggests

You might be right about that, Joe.